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The Golf Course Environment

Our course occupies about 120 acres of rolling countryside with extensive and beautiful panoramic views over multiple counties. In contrast there are secluded valleys and mainly broadleaved woodland copses and feature trees subdividing the course. This variety creates a unique attractive setting for playing golf.

Environmental Policy

We have an Environmental Policy which provides the guidance to look after and improve our natural asset in a sustainable way. Consequently, our course is now maintained using virtually 100% organic materials and we have planted about 400 native tree species to boost biodiversity and enhance the playing strategy of some holes.

Additionally, after consulting wildlife experts, nature conservation areas around the course have been identified as special habitats. These are managed to boost biodiversity, and to supplement this, planting of trees and shrubs, sowing wildflower areas and erecting bird and bat boxes have been undertaken.


For better security against climate change we are improving the water quality of our streams and ditches through natural flood management by building log barriers, catching silt, and creating new attractive wetland habitats which add different natural features within the course.

Expert ecologists and wildlife recorders are carrying out regular observations which allow us to understand how the habitats change and will become more biodiverse. Early investigations have discovered a special rare plant on the course, previously believed to be extinct in the county, and this will be protected to allow it to thrive.

Our course is unique and we intend to look after it for the enjoyment of all our members and many visitors.